There’s a Gift that was given long ago at the very first Christmas; but it’s also given every day of every year ever since then, for those who know Him.
1 John 5:11 - “And the testimony is this; God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.” We need to be reminded of these truths each year. Consider doing advent calendars with your kids/family. Read the Christmas story (Luke 2), and talk to them and pray with them about the true meaning of Christmas. Sing meaningful Christmas carols together. Go on outings to celebrate the holidays. Consider the various symbols of a Christmas tree. Contemplate the Candy Cane and its meaning, etc. This greatest of gifts (Jesus), is the One that keeps on giving - offering those who are His, an enduring peace; a lavish love; a heavenly hope; and a fixed joy. The gift of Himself is perfect; it’s the one Gift that endures the test of time and unlike many of the other gifts, it’s the One we’ll never forget. As a result (which many of us continue to experience), we’re willing to trade-in all the other gifts, for this One. 2 Corinthians 9:15 - “Thanks be to God, for His indescribable gift!”... The greatest giver, God, has given us the greatest gift - Jesus. This Gift can’t be scratched, stolen or crashed; it won’t run out, and it doesn’t ever have to be replaced; it can’t bend, wear or tear, and it won’t tangle or break; and this Gift can never be lost. Another reason Jesus is unforgettable, extraordinary and indescribable, is because of His nature. Isaiah 9:6 - “For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; His Name will be called, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” How do you explain Jesus?... This One Who is, “Mighty God”, and eternal - yet Who’s also flesh! Isaiah 7:14 reminds us that His Name is, “Emanuel”, which means, ‘God with us’. In describing the indescribable, as words can be inadequate, we simply need to look to Jesus/the Bible. This One Who is eternal/Spirit and is all-knowing and all-powerful, invites us into a relationship. Another reason the greatest Gift the world will ever know is indescribable, is because of His purpose in having come to the earth; mankind is in need of saving grace, which is what we see at the cross. As a result of the cross, if we'll call on Christ to save us, then we can be at peace with God. Col.1:20(a) - “And through Him (Jesus) to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross” There will never be any true peace on earth unless mankind is rescued, forgiven and lifted-out of our sin - having our lives changed through Jesus the Savior coming into our hearts, lives and minds - as our greatest need is to be saved from our sin and from ourselves. Such great grace should cause us abundant joy and humility, with a desire to want to respond. Part of what makes God’s Gift so special, is that He doesn’t owe us anything. Romans 5:10 - “while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son” God gave us the gift of His Son - not because He felt obligated to but because His love is so overwhelming, as it’s a gift of His grace. What can we do, or how should we respond?... There's one gift that God wants from you, which is your heart. God doesn’t really need anything from us; talk about Someone Who already has everything, it’s all His! But the one thing He desires from us, is our heart's affection. If He has that, then everything else in our lives will follow suit. Romans 6:23 - “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Pastor Chris Hudson
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What we Learned on Sunday? Insights, ideas and InspirationWritten by Pastor Chris Hudson Archives
February 2025
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