Is it easy to get distracted by busyness? Forget your priorities lose your focus and miss the big perspective? Pause & pray: MT. 6:10 “May your kingdom come, and may your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” o I align myself with God’s purpose and plans for my life. God has promised to help you with your work you do this! MT. 6:33 “If you seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness, all the other things will be given to you as well.”
For 1000s of years – Jews said prayers at set times. Fixed hours Daniel knelt and prayed 3x a day PS.119:164 (David) “Seven times a day I praise you!” (NIV) How often do you pray? When do you pray? In the next seven days I am going to show you how you can pray throughout the day. Why doesn't God answer every prayer with a YES?
Some prayers conflict with other prayers and both cannot be answered at the same time. A child praying for bad weather so they can stay home from school. While someone is praying for good weather so they don't miss work. What about people praying for the ball team to win. Can't answer both. I wonder if God cares who really wins. What about opposing political candidates? We can go on and on. If there are conflicting prayers then one of them cannot be answered in the affirmative. ASK FOR FORGIVENESS IN THE AFTERNOON (CONFESSION)
MT. 6:12 “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us” This doesn’t take long, but neither does taking out the garbage. I own up to my own wrong reaction, I admit my sins and I forgive others who’ve frustrated me. Because you certainly don’t want to be carried around any resentment the rest of the day and to take it home with you. PS. 32:5“I confessed my sins to you and didn’t try to hide them... Then you forgave me and now all my guilt is gone!” After work, you head home. Did you know that 90% of arguments happen 1 hr before dinner? Knowing that, it’s wise to ask for help! END MY DAY WITH AN ENCOURAGING TRUTH (BENEDICTION)
MT. 6:13c “For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever! Amen!” Remember: 1. God is in control 2. This is not the end of the story 3. God, and his family, win in the end. That will help you sleep better! Now, I encourage you to try this format of using the Lord’s Prayer to mark out regular, short prayer times throughout your day. Here’s the secret sauce: Get a prayer partner to pray with you during at least one of your prayer times. YOUR EXCUSE: “I don’t have time to pause and pray!” Then you’re too busy! PR.10:27 “Reverence for God adds hours to each day.” (LB) |
What we Learned on Sunday? Insights, ideas and InspirationWritten by Pastor Chris Hudson Archives
January 2025
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