" For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ." ( Galatians 3:27 ESV
Being baptized is a ritual that shifts boundaries. It symbolizes dying to self and living a new life in Christ Jesus. It is not an isolated event. People are always incorporated into the community of believers by being baptized That is why families were baptized together in the New Testament. But being baptized alone doesn't save you. But it is a part of your salvation experience in that it is obedience to the Lord's command.
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" But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive is our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness." 1 John 1:9(NLT)
Sometimes people forsake their faith. They just stop believing , and fall back into their old way of living. Or they are worse off than before. Paul referred to a few examples when he wrote to Timothy, Backsliding happens when people don't put their faith in Christ as the only Rock, They give up hope somewhere along the way, Stay close to Jesus. Walk close enough to Him so that you don't get lost when life gets tough " Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained by living a godly life." Proverbs 16:31(NLT)
Age matters. We measure people against their years. God doesn't. He says little children aren't too young to work for Him, and that the elderly is not too old because they may have retired. We are permanently in service of God. Our value and purpose don't decrease as we grow older. We are precious, no matter our age. Lessons on Lostness from Romans 1
The second lesson to be learned is: The weapon against sin in Romans 1 is the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Only God can change a heart. Only God through Jesus Christ can transform anyone. He has the power to change anyone.
What we Learned on Sunday? Insights, ideas and InspirationWritten by Pastor Chris Hudson Archives
January 2025
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