Capital City Baptist Church began in 1954 as an English-speaking service in the Mexico First Baptist Church. There were several English-speaking families who wanted to study God’s Word and worship in English. In 1958 this group was organized into a church and began to meet in various locations around the city. In 1967 the church was donated some land by Mr. S Boling Wright in memory of his wife, Mary Conger Wright. The cornerstone ceremony was observed on July 2, 1972 and the first building was completed in November 1972 on the property with it now stands.
The church was originally founded to reach the English-speaking community of Mexico City in particularly the ex-pat community. Things have change over the years. A Spanish-speaking congregation was start in 2003 and there have been other congregations to begin in the church’s facility. Thousands have passed through CCBC over the years coming from many different countries. If we were to describe ourselves we would say that we are an International, and cross-cultural church. We are self-supporting and have no official affiliation with any specific denomination. We are an independent, autonomous Baptist church in government and in structure. We have a men’s, women’s, singles’, youth, and children’s ministries. We support a number of missions and missionaries. We also work with orphanages, a girls home and a General Hospital that serves the very poor. Lastly, our church emphasizes prayer as we believe that God both hears and answers the prayers of His people as we commune with Him in an ongoing loving relationship, through Christ. |